Monday, December 6, 2010

(50) Does having a website make you famous? I think so.

It's official, no please, stop your applause. No really, you're too kind. The website is up and running, for your viewing pleasure

I bought my domain about a week ago, but when I tried to link it to my website apparently it wasn't activated to the new location yet. That's going to take a couple days, but until then there is is the working link though weebly.

Hope you have enjoyed the blog thus far ;)

(#49) High Costs

We talk a lot about effective advertising, and when we do we get caught up in interactive media, and the next cutting edge digital technology and how we can use it to advertise. Well that's all well and good, but you don't need it to be effective. The best ads are the simplest ones, because the most important messages are simple in nature. Maybe the amount of copy needed to sell a product is inversely proportional to its societal worth. Explaining to someone why they should buy a $90,000 car takes a lot of copy, explaining to someone that there are starving people who could use your consideration takes 5 words. There are only 5 words on this ad. The copy reads:

(#48) LinkedIn

Finally LinkedIn! My profile URL is Feel free to hit me up and add me as a contact. That was a lot easier than I thought...

(#47) Google will NOT be acquiring groupon

If you want to read it yourself, here's what the huffington post has to say about it

If you've never used it, groupon is an app that allows you to buy coupons. No, not just coupons, enormous coupons that seem too good to be true. In fact, the coupons are too good to be true, as smaller franchises just cant afford the massive blow back from the cost savings from groupon.

Its only been around since 2007, but it's gotten big enough for some serious offers. Most recently a $5 billion offer from Google, but apparently it's holding out for something more. It's a gamble though... hopefully groupon's not just a fad.

(#46) Wait.... we're still talking about a TELEPHONE, right?

Google goggles is the new talk of the town. But Google is saying that it isn't augmented reality, but rather a new visual search application. Okay, I don't really see why those two terms are mutually exclusive, but check this out:

Am I the only one who sees this and thinks that that's like 2 steps away from what Arnold Schwarzenegger saw as the terminator? I want that built into me. That is pretty staggering though, the amount of coding and the intense algorithms necessary to make an app like that work. Phones aren't phones any more, they're everything. When you're phone can do this :

It's about time to generally accept that we've outgrown the traditional phone.

(#45) Brand Essence in 4 Hours

The following is a completely true story:

Sitting here in the Ballmer Lab at the University of Oregon Campus at 3 am there was a guy sitting next to me for the last 4 hours or so. We were the only 2 in here and rarely talking, but he was working with Final Cut Pro making a brand essence video for Burberry, learning the program as he went.

This is a testament to the resiliency of the human condition. I never got his name, but I did get the link to his video on youtube before he left. The other 2 girls in his group bugged out 4 hours ago and left him to complete the entire assignment on his own, and I am f*cking pissed off that they are going to get the same grade as him. You will be too.

He had never worked in Final Cut Pro before, I was pretty damn impressed.

(#44) Top 5 Websites

A fellow Creative Strategist, Katelyn Berry , did a post on her top 5 websites that was a great post to read. It inspired me to do my own top 5 websites, though only one of ours is the same.
No contest here, the website that I spend the most time on hands down save for facebook (which will appear nowhere on this list). In case you don't know, it's a search engine, only you don't know where it's sending you next. it is a cornucopia of all the best stuff on the internet. Try it. Love it.
Gotta agree with Katelyn on this one. As I sit at the computer right now, I have literally been on for the last 11 hours without shutting it off (though finals week played a significant role in that too).
Unbelievably, this website is exactly what it sounds like. It's a collection of side splittingly funny comics about a world where 1940's hitler was in fact PBR drinking fixie riding hipster.
College football. Enough said.

5. Last but not least,
It's a random assortment of crap. Simple as that, little gadgets and hilarious ideas. Check it out, its an easy way to blow an hour or 2.